Tag: Downtown Phoenix

Make the Scene | Sticky Fingers at Bar Smith

December 16, 2010 | By

DJ William Reed is bringing dancey bands to his Sticky Fingers Friday nights. Check it out!

CityScape Taps Ed Kowalczyk for NYE

December 16, 2010 | By

Metal Elvis and Snake Burner to perform as well.

Home Sweet Home

December 16, 2010 | By

A neighborhood of gingerbread houses, created to benefit NHS Phoenix, gives the After Hours Gallery a wintry feel this Third Friday.

From the Arizona Room | 1317 W. Jefferson St. — Connell/Smurthwaite House

December 15, 2010 | By

The visitors center at Pioneer & Military Park was not built there; on the contrary, it spent nearly 100 years 26 blocks away.

Fresh @ the Market | Phoestivus Tonight

December 15, 2010 | By

The Get Your PHX crew’s first annual holiday celebration highlights the best in local and organic food and wares.

Convenience Over Safety: Reverse Lanes on the 7s

December 15, 2010 | By

Yesterday’s Reverse Lane Ad Hoc Task Force recommendations prompted Vice Mayor Michael Nowakowski to speak up on the matter. What are your thoughts?

Suns Spot | Get Out and Watch the Game

December 10, 2010 | By

Two Suns-centric spots in Downtown Phoenix, Majerle’s and the Duce, bring the excitement of Planet Orange to unique, historic spaces.

Make the Scene | The Lost Leaf

December 9, 2010 | By

The 5th Street hangout didn’t even originally plan to host music, but now it is Downtown’s busiest venue.

Workbench Brings Custom Designs to CityScape

December 9, 2010 | By

The newly opened space brings woodworkers, architects, metalworkers, graphic designers and other local artists together to produce functional art.

Sips and Grub | Cactus Bites at Valley Pizza

December 8, 2010 | By

Make plans for a sugar coma following an order of this pizza joint’s sinfully sweet treat.