The final event of the month-long fundraising effort is an all-day party on Sunday, December 26.
Here are a few of the less heralded activities that are occurring in Downtown Phoenix on an almost daily basis.
The portion of Downtown Phoenix that the U.S. Postal Service considers the 85007 ZIP code is diverse to the max, to say the least.
There’s plenty to do around Downtown Phoenix for New Year’s Eve. The only decision to be made is where you’ll make your appearance.
The intersection of 7th Avenue and McDowell has long been overlooked. But, the corner is quietly becoming an important gateway to Downtown Phoenix.
I had heard of a cool bar that is tucked away at 7th Avenue and McDowell. I suppose SideBar is my diamond in the rough, and that gives it a huge lead on every other place. Now I just have to find it again.
If you happened to be wandering through the streets of downtown Phoenix last Third Friday, there is a good chance you may have seen a group of foodies hopping from one spot to another well into the night.
There’s a decent chance you may have even recognized one or two of them as the masterminds behind some of the Valley’s best restaurants. This was the first incarnation of the downtown chef crawl, and it kicked off with a glorious mix of late-night noshing, old-fashioned exploration and drinks, drinks and more drinks.