The second annual event invites you to eat progressively throughout Downtown Phoenix and support St. Mary’s Food Bank.
Event season in Downtown Phoenix explodes on Saturday, October 22 with a whole host of events within bike riding and walking distance of one another.
Sign up for Artlink’s Art Detour by Friday, March 5!
Is Phoenix’s “hot” dining scene restricted to 90 square blocks?
The DREAMRs honor a few of the individuals that have been around the longest, seen the most and fought the hardest to make Downtown Phoenix what it is today.
The Downtown Phoenix Historic Building & Warehouse Tour was a great experience that highlighted a few of the many hidden assets of Downtown Phoenix.
Downtown denizens are mixing business with pleasure at a weekend event that will introduce ASU students to the benefits of an urban lifestyle.
If you happened to be wandering through the streets of downtown Phoenix last Third Friday, there is a good chance you may have seen a group of foodies hopping from one spot to another well into the night.
There’s a decent chance you may have even recognized one or two of them as the masterminds behind some of the Valley’s best restaurants. This was the first incarnation of the downtown chef crawl, and it kicked off with a glorious mix of late-night noshing, old-fashioned exploration and drinks, drinks and more drinks.
Downtown Phoenix Partnership officials are hoping Valley residents and visitors will check out their Web site and participate in an online survey to gauge preferences for a new “way-finding” system downtown.
Recently, there has been some conversation about where the funds came from that paid for a branding project resulting in the motto, “Arizona’s Urban Heart.”
David Roderique, CEO of the Downtown Phoenix Partnership, responded to these questions in a letter to the Arizona Republic on Saturday.