Engage PHX

Engage PHX  |   Use this sub-category when cross-posting in Engage.

Call to Artists: Create Inspired Soles

February 20, 2015 | By

The 4th annual Inspired Soles show and charity benefit has partnered with Neiman Marcus and Luhrs Tower to help spread the love of art and shoes.

Wire | 11th Monk3Y Industries Hosts Cross Country Art Swap

February 19, 2015 | By

11th Monk3y Industries on Grand and Side Street Studio Arts from Illinois have combined forces for the first-ever EXCHANGE, an art swap featuring Arizona and Illinois-based artists.

Wire | StartUp PHX Challenge Offers Free Office Space

February 19, 2015 | By

The winner of the StartUp PHX Challenge will receive 6 months of free office space at 111 W. Monroe.

Wire | Valley Metro’s New App Will Keep You On Schedule

February 17, 2015 | By

Valley Metro’s new free mobile app, Ridekick™, will keep real-time schedules for bus and light rail.

Wire | You’re Invited to the Art d’Core Gala

February 16, 2015 | By

The second annual Art d’Core Gala highlights upcoming events in the spring arts season and kicks off the 27th annual Art Detour.

Wire | Learn About Being a Localist

February 12, 2015 | By

The 2015 BALLE Conference is a three-day event in June that will bring local leaders from around the country to Phoenix.

Wire | Mural Art Decorates the New Downtown Directory

February 9, 2015 | By

The mural project in the Paseo de ALAC decorates the cover of the new Downtown Phoenix Directory.

10 Things We Learned from Super Bowl XLIX

February 6, 2015 | By

What can we take away from the experience of playing host to the biggest party in the history of downtown Phoenix?

Wire | “i cycle phoenix”

February 6, 2015 | By

A new video from the city’s Street Transportation Department highlights the evolution of biking throughout Phoenix.

Wire | New Event Space The Croft Opens

February 5, 2015 | By

The Croft Downtown is a unique indoor event venue from designers with two decades of experience in the Valley.