Author: Tyler Hurst

Tyler Hurst

Actual writer. Domino Street teamer. Inspirator. Opens bananas like a monkey. (almost)barefooter. Has name on shirt. Knows all the words to Baby Got Back.

Chuck Trollope – All-Star FanFest Ticket Hunt Winner!

April 18, 2011 | By

Chuck Trollope of CenPho discovered the red package at Chase Field to win 4 passes for all 5 days of the All-Star 2011 FanFest here in Arizona.

All-Star Weekend Kicks Off With FanFest Ticket Hunt

April 14, 2011 | By

The countdown for All-Star Weekend starts today with a Ticket Hunt for the MLB All-Star FanFest, hosted by Justin Upton with an appearance from Luis Gonzalez.

Ghost Hunting at the Orpheum

May 21, 2010 | By

Think you’re safe from ghosts in Downtown Phoenix? WCGAPS might have something to say about that.

CenPhoCamp Brings Together Community, Small Businesses

January 19, 2010 | By

CenPhoCamp, an unconference on January 23, is designed to allow small businesses to help small businesses.

RadiatePhx: What’s Wrong with Downtown

November 19, 2009 | By

The discussion at RadiatePhx events usually centers on the great things happening around Central Phoenix. This time, RadiatePhx wants to hear what you don’t like about living in Downtown Phoenix.

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

August 7, 2009 | By

There is never enough time.

It is because of this packed schedule I will be submitting my resignation, effectively August 7, from the DPJ.


July 29, 2009 | By

Occasionally we make mistakes. Yes, I’m just as shocked as you are. We failed to attribute photos in two of our recent stories, Meet Curtis Miller and Flag Lady Cindy McBride. I apologize to Tyson Crosbie and Paul Valach online pharmacy amaryl no prescription with best prices today in the USA for the oversight and… Read more

New Local Currency To Be Unveiled

July 28, 2009 | By

Local currency coins to be presented to public first Friday during self-guided art walk. The coins are good for free items or discounts on local purchases. They will be used in lieu of the raffle tickets for the free clothes swap in ShopDevious beginning 8/15.

Hop On Board The Night Rail

July 28, 2009 | By

You can join our friends at “Light Rail Friday Night” who will be meeting at Rula Bula on Mill from 6-9 pm. After that, people will be meeting (10:00 pm) at Monti’s and at Maizie’s, which is just south of the light rail station at Central and Camelback.

Who needs MORE restaurants?

July 23, 2009 | By

I love downtown Phoenix. I love the people, I love the atmosphere and I love that it has so much potential. What I don’t get, and probably never will, is why there is so, so much focus on restaurants and retail. Restaurants attract tourists. Retail attracts shoppers. Both pay low wages. Neither serves residents. Ever… Read more