Tis’ the season for food festivals.
Next up on our collective eating Rolodex is the up-market food and wine mixer, the eighth annual Forks & Corks. This year, Forks & Corks is laying anchor within the airy expanse of CityScape’s outdoor plaza (a welcomed migration inward from the Camelback Esplanade in years past), optimally accessible by modes foot, bike, car and train.
A regional production brought to us by the Arizona Hotel & Lodging Association and the Arizona Restaurant Association, expect an energetic, heavy-hitting, hotel-centric local roster of more than 30 billboard restaurants, top chefs, wineries and now craft breweries as well.
Where similar events can be week-long, citywide marathons, and some simply intended as weekend-only grazing, Forks & Corks carries unique distinction as being a more refined, single-evening congregation. It’s a creative effort to amplify and showcase our area’s robust dining and drinking repository in a concentrated setting for locals and tourists alike.
In addition to restaurant participants and chef demonstrations, there will also be special wine and beer tastings, and a silent auction of food- and travel-related experiences intended to benefit local charities.
Some Downtown-based highlights will include the new Province (Westin Phoenix Downtown), District American Kitchen (Sheraton Hotel Phoenix Downtown) and Fox Restaurant Concepts’ new eatery The Arrogant Butcher. Beyond our more urban confines, some key players include: T. Cook’s (Royal Palms Resort), Frank & Albert’s (Arizona Biltmore Resort), Litchfield’s (Wigwam Resort), Lon’s (Hermosa Inn) and Different Pointe of View (Pointe Tapatio Cliffs).
A complete list of participating chefs, restaurants, wineries and craft beer purveyors can be found on the event’s website. Happening this evening, Thursday, April 7, from 5:30 to 8 p.m., tickets are available for purchase in advance online for $65, or at the gate for $75.
Forks & Corks is a 21+ event.
CityScape is located between Jefferson and Washington streets and 1st Avenue and 1st Street.
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