With the weekend temperatures hitting over 90º, the last place anyone wants to be is outside. Why not stay in and watch a show and help a good cause?
The Trunk Space is putting on a benefit show on Saturday, April 2 for Phoenix Harm Reduction Organization. Food Not Bombs will provide the food along with a bake sale featuring vegan food.
Locals Biking for Al-Qaeda, Doth, Hooves, Michelle Blades and Trunk Space veterans Andrew Jackson Jihad will supply the music — an unlikely group of artists all under one roof.

Michelle Blades
Like labelmate Courtney Marie Andrews, Blades is a young rising Arizona star. Although she wasn’t born in Arizona, she was born into music. Her entire family has music coursing through their blood: Her uncle is Grammy-winner Ruben Blades and her father produced many Latin artists.
She was born in Panama, raised in Florida and found her way to Phoenix, of all places, by throwing a dart at a map. Barely in her 20s now, she has signed with River Jones Music and released an album last year called Oh, Nostalgia!
On the record, Blades sounds like Regina Spektor, with her beautiful, sometimes quirky voice, if Spektor had dropped the piano and picked up the ukulele.
The show starts at 7 p.m. and is $7. Come out to support great music and a great cause.
The Trunk Space is located at 1506 Grand Ave.
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