Underground Cities is on the First Friday bill at Revolver Records.
It’s the first week of the month and we all know what awaits us at the end of the week, right? First Friday!
Of course, some of you may be getting paid, too, but that’s not as important as the show you may miss.
Downtown-based River Jones Music Label is putting on a FREE show at Revolver Records during First Friday with Courtney Marie Andrews, Steff Koeppen and the Articles and Underground Cities.
Three Arizona artists playing in the intimate setting of a great record shop — sounds like a perfect way to end the week.
Steff Koeppen and the Articles is a young five-piece Tucson band with a soft, fresh indie feeling. Koeppen, the lead singer and pianist, fuels the band with her powerful vocals and dancing fingers across the keys. Ruth Hall and Alex Tuggle both play violin, Chris Pierce supplies the bass and Tom Beech is on drums.
After going solo for a while, Koeppen decided to add a band to her talents in 2009. A year later, they released their first album under River Jones Music Label. Their classical, indie feel fits the River Jones boat, but does not disappoint.
Music Video: “Different Kind” by Steff Koeppen and The Articles from Caleb Jackson & Aaron Grimes on Vimeo.
The other band on the bill is like no other Arizona band.
Chandler-based five-piece Underground Cities has played all-instrumental post-rock since its inception in 2009. They released their album, The Dalliance Album, in January 2010.
Their sound is much like Sigur Rós or Explosions in the Sky. Forget what you think about instrumental music: They don’t fall into the background; you’ll stop what you’re doing and just zone into the music.
And of course, there’s Andrews. Fresh off the road from a worldwide jaunt with Jimmy Eat World, and with a new album, For One I Knew, recently released, her set list will be filled with new songs. Andrews’ boomin’ Joni Mitchell-esque voice will surely light up the tight confines of the shop.
Come early, because you’re going to want to see all three! Show starts at 7:30.
Revolver Records is located at 918 N. 2nd St. in Evans Churchill (light rail at Roosevelt Station)
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