Inspired Connections’ Rhonda Bannard speaks to the economic opportunity presented by our vibrant arts community.
The creative community has been key to the development of vitality, energy, and buzz in Downtown Phoenix.
A new trolley route and map for February’s First Friday in downtown Phoenix.
Seats are running out for Artlink’s first Third Friday Collector’s Tour of the new year.
Third Friday event will provide a guided tour and meet-and-greets with featured artists.
Donate or hunt for treasures this Saturday morning at the After Hours Building.
Here is a map that will help you explore the hot and happening places open for tonight’s First Fridays Art Walk.
A look at Artlink’s Art Detour 24 through the lens of DPJ’s Perry Allen.
The Downtown Phoenix arts community welcomes the return of Art Detour this weekend.
A Public Hanging at A.E. England Gallery will allow artists from around the Valley to participate in the upcoming Art Detour event.