Downtown Phoenix Inc. CEO David Krietor talks about the management of our downtown core, new startups, and much more in this week’s Desk Chat.
Downtown Phoenix showed its readiness to evolve during this year’s Super Bowl festivities.
Over 1 million people came to Verizon’s Super Bowl Central, the 12-block fun and entertainment zone in downtown Phoenix during the 5 days around Super Bowl XLIX.
What can we take away from the experience of playing host to the biggest party in the history of downtown Phoenix?
A handy list of tips for public transit and parking throughout Super Bowl XLIX weekend.
A Super Bowl edition of Downtown Phoenix Inc. CEO David Krietor’s Desk Chat.
TrueDTPHX puts the focus on the urban core’s art, music and food during Super Bowl XLIX week.
Right in the heart of Super Bowl Central, CityScape’s venues host a variety of parties throughout Super Bowl weekend.
Super Bowl Central brings festivities to the heart of downtown Phoenix.
Mayor Stanton shares how growing events and hospitality, including playing host to Super Bowl Central, are strengthening our essential downtown core.