Easley’s Fun Shop, the Antique Mall and Sage all line McDowell Road between 3rd and 7th avenues, maintaining a faithful and healthy following.
There is a lot of history in the tiny gallery space at 407 E. Roosevelt St. that is now Modified Arts. In fact, the structure is celebrating its 90th birthday in 2010.
When I first moved to Phoenix, I never saw the move as something permanent. I expected to stay here for a few years, then move on. Something has kept me here, though.
With so much progress in a year (let alone during the big bad recession), it’s encouraging to see what’s happening in our city.
Three boutiques — Qcumberz, Rust and Roses and Retro Ranch — capture the essence of the mile-long mecca that is Melrose.
On December 17, Jeff Moriarty discussed how social media can reveal Phoenix’s hidden personality at the Phoenix Community Alliance’s annual membership meeting.
Valley Forward Association brings business and civic leaders together for thoughtful public dialogue on regional issues.
The intersection of 7th Avenue and McDowell has long been overlooked. But, the corner is quietly becoming an important gateway to Downtown Phoenix.
After what many supporters said was a long time coming, Downtown Phoenix officially welcomed the Latino Cultural Center Friday, December 4, with hundreds of supporters in attendance.
Just in time for Black Friday and beyond, Local First Arizona is launching Buy Local Week throughout the Valley, running from November 27 to December 4.