The once-lifeless capital city of Arizona has taken on a new look and feel recently, complete with a bustling Arizona State University campus in the heart of Downtown.
You Me and Apollo, one of Phoenix’s up-and-coming singer/songwriters, will be performing on the Train Tracks on Tuesday, November 17 at 5 p.m.
The USGBC Greenbuild International Conference and Expo is in town November 11-13. DPJ offers helpful leisurely suggestions to enjoy your time in Downtown Phoenix.
PHX ART Treasures on the METRO will showcase the arts and cultural opportunities on and around Phoenix’s light rail line on November 14.
Night Rail, brought to you by RailLife, is helping kick off the opening week festivities at the Urban Grocery with a bang.
Originally part of a 1920s neighborhood grocery store, this freestanding building, completely redeveloped in 2006, is now part of a small creative complex.
Starting October 1, US Airways Center tickets displaying the Rail Ride Event logo will be good for the event and rides on the light rail.
If you enjoy living, working or playing in Downtown Phoenix, chances are you owe a thank you to the Downtown Voices Coalition.
Those interested in the future of the city of Phoenix met at Hanny’s last week to mingle with city planners in attempts to gauge what will happen here over the next 40-odd years.
If you happened to be wandering through the streets of downtown Phoenix last Third Friday, there is a good chance you may have seen a group of foodies hopping from one spot to another well into the night.
There’s a decent chance you may have even recognized one or two of them as the masterminds behind some of the Valley’s best restaurants. This was the first incarnation of the downtown chef crawl, and it kicked off with a glorious mix of late-night noshing, old-fashioned exploration and drinks, drinks and more drinks.