Downtown Phoenix never fails to surprise and delight. DPJ’s Live PHX series captures the moments that illustrate why we love life in our city.

Photo by Leslie Criger

Photo by Leslie Criger

When visiting Lo-Lo’s Chicken and Waffles for the first time, the menu can be a bit overwhelming. Here’s a tip for the first-timers out there: don’t overthink it. Given the name, it’s a safe bet their chicken and waffles are going to deliver.

Let’s start with the chicken. You can order it in any number of ways, but the chicken smothered in gravy and onions leaves you dreaming about the next time you can get back for more.

Now, the waffles are perfect every time, which may be due to the waffle itself or the tasty combination of butter and syrup. They do sell a box of waffle mix for $10.00 at the retail counter, but if you take it home, you might miss the opportunity to enjoy it with your neighbors and really #livephx.

Larry White is the founder of Lo-Lo’s (Lo-Lo is his childhood nickname) and acquired the taste for his menu while working in his grandmother’s soul food restaurant, another local favorite, Mrs. White’s Golden Rule Café. To that I say, “thank you, Larry,” for sharing these southern flavors not only with the Valley, but with the country