Now that DPJ has helped you mark up your January calendar, let’s make your future plans with Abe Vigoda. And no, we don’t mean the beloved actor.
Abe Vigoda is a punk band turned electro-wave from Chino, CA, a suburb of LA.
Juan Velazquez, Michael Vidal, David Reichardt and Dane Chadwick recently released their fourth full-length album, Crush, in September 2010. The band has come a long way since forming in 2004, when Vidal and Velazquez started making music in high school.

Abe Vigoda plays at the Rhythm Room February 2
DPJ recently spoke with Velazquez about life on the road, the new album, favorite books to read on tour and the band’s very own Arizona connection.
Chadwick, the band’s newest member, is from Phoenix, and he brought along more than Arizona roots and his drum kit to practice.
“He was into electronic music,” Velazquez recalls. “He had a sampler, and was like,’Hey, let’s try to use this.’”
In between their last record, Skeleton, and Crush, a two-year gap changed not only their influences, but the band’s sound.
So, their once harsh punk sound became a more electronic dark wave along the lines of The XX and The Bravery. It adds to the band’s dynamic, according to Valazquez, noting that they didn’t want to make the same record twice.
“It was all those things that made the record,” Velazquez says.
With the record coming out in late 2010, the band has only had a couple months to stop and relax before jumping back on the road to continue promotion.
Since 2009, the band has hit the road off and on with bands such as Lovvers and Vampire Weekend, before trekking to Europe. You’d think with that much time on the road, they’d listen to a lot of music. Not so, according to Velazquez.
Spoken word, podcasts and books, including Glamorama, are Velazquez’s preference.
While the band is on tour, Arizona is usually one of their first stops since they are coming from LA. One of Abe Vigoda’s favorite Phoenix hangouts? The Bikini Lounge, of course.
“After about 30 shows, we’re out of our minds,” Velazquez says. “So, in the beginning, we’re excited.”
Good thing they arrive on night number two of their upcoming tour with Wild Nothing.
“We’re going to be sharing a van with them, so we’re going to be really close,” Velazquez mentions.
A 12-person van with eight people plus equipment is not the average person’s idea of a good time, but Velazquez isn’t too worried.
“Us and Wild Nothing are a good match,” Velazquez explains.
All eight of these boys roll into the Rhythm Room on Wednesday, February 2 for a gig with Phoenix band Gospel Claws. Tickets are $10 online and $12 at the door.
The Rhythm Room is located at 1019 E. Indian School Rd. in Midtown — 602.265.4842