Free, live jazz takes center stage at CityScape on Wednesday, April 30th.
Joseph “Sentrock” Perez’s Bird City State of Mind hats and tees launch at Bunky Boutique.
An introductory meeting for next year’s docent program at the Heard Museum is Wednesday, April 23rd.
New upscale residential condos set to hit Midtown.
Local artists are invited to submit designs for Downtown Phoenix, Inc.’s next directory.
Wednesday, help with the vacant lot activation project near the Valley Youth Theater.
Tryouts to be a dancer for the Phoenix Mercury are at the US Airways Center on Wednesday.
Stilettos designed by local artists and designers are featured in this art show at 6th Avenue Gallery, with proceeds to benefit Artlink.
Reinvent PHX hosts an interactive urban design gallery to demonstrate developments along the light rail.
With Phoenix Sister Cities, Inc., Mayor Stanton hosts the International Gala to celebrate Phoenix’s diversity.