It’s a new year and with that comes a new Pantone color.

GreenThis year we are seeing green! Greenery is the name of 2017’s color and it is a very bright and playfully fresh transition from the soft Rose Quartz palette we saw last year. The color is meant to evoke the feeling of the first days of spring “when nature’s greens revive, restore, and renew,” according to the Pantone Color Institute.

This year it is the intention to get people back out into nature and to become inspired by the gorgeous colors around you. The desert has a surprisingly vast array of color inspiration, from the staple saguaro cactus, to the bright flowers and fruits of the prickly pear cactus, to the vibrant bursts of color of the Palo Verde tree.

Though we may not realize it, Pantone’s selections hold significant influence. If you’ve ever seen the movie The Devil Wears Prada

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, you’re probably familiar with the character Miranda Priestly’s little lesson on Cerulean Blue and how that color was pre-decided by a group of designers and editors. The Pantone Institute is like that group. They meet with representatives from various nations’ color standard groups to deliberate, twice annually, in a super-secret location in Europe and make their selection. Not only will this color selection have a major impact on the fashion industry, but we will also see its influences in home décor, the food and beverage industry and even your travel needs.

Greenery Style

Not quite sure if you can pull off green? Don’t worry, there are many ways you can incorporate it into your wardrobe like a boss. Be sure to check out our photos for some immediate inspiration.

Photos by Samantha Perry.