As a small business owner in midtown Phoenix, I see opportunities everywhere that can merge business success with improving the sense of community in urban Phoenix.  As usual, the one I can sort of control is right outside our my doorstep at Shine Coffee

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.  Instead of building a patrons only patio next to our shop, we want to build a park that will benefit everyone.  In order to finance this, we have launched a Kickstarter project to raise $22,000 to build this park.  We are over halfway to our goal with $12,000 and need your help to bring in an additional $10,000 by September 29 at noon.

Pocket park rendering by Kirby Hoyt.

Vernon Avenue Pocket Park will be built at 14 W. Vernon Avenue on the north side of Vernon across from Tapestry condos.  Landscape architect Kirby Hoyt donated the simple design of two outdoor “rooms” – one a small grove of drought tolerant trees and the other a small green lawn.  Property owner TJ Vernon, LLC with managing member Tom Carmody is a longtime adaptive re-use proponent.  The park fits with his vision for the block.  Arrangements are in the works for a land use agreement to manage the park, which is situated on private land.  The City of Phoenix has reached out through Keep Phoenix Beautiful and Phx Renews.  The result is that the Vernon Avenue Pocket Park will be the 2nd official Phx Renews project once completed.

We hope to inspire other business owners to take a literal interest in the space around them.  To see how their business needs mesh with our city’s need for more shade, green trees and urban outdoor spaces.  We hope to inspire residents to look at empty lots and outdoor spaces around them and to ask their neighbors, what can we do?  We are in a DIY –era!  We want your help with our DIY park so you can come enjoy it with us.  Please watch the video and pledge your support to the Vernon Avenue Pocket Park Kickstarter project:


Thank you!