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Brent S.
Phoenix, AZ
Four-star rating
It’s loud, it’s crazy, it’s SO FUN!!! I enjoy bowling, but this is so much more. We had some wine and a couple appetizers while I destroyed my wife in bowling (snicker). It’s a bit tough to get in, so be sure to call first and make a reservation, if you can.
Mostly good for the family. I mean, there’s drinking, and semi-tightly dressed waitresses and such, but it’s really not too bad, IMHO. Our waitress was new in town and we had all these great conversations about the area. She made some perfect food suggestions and was super awesome in every way. A great place to go, I promise!
If you can bring enough people with you to book both lanes in your little booth area, I would suggest that. We shared our booth with this other group we didn’t know and they were nice and all but kept making out with each other (there were three couples) right in front of our table. Of course, our table faced their lane. A little off-putting, but not enough to not come back. Next time though, we will book in advance and make sure to bring non-make-out-in-front-of-you-type friends.
Lucky Strike Lanes is located at 50 W. Jefferson St. Downtown (light rail at Central/Washington or 1st Ave./Jefferson stations) — 602.732.5490
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The DPJ Yelper of the Week offers honest insight on a Downtown business to help you explore your core. DPJ hopes that by partnering with Yelp to spread the good word about well-loved Downtown spots, you’ll spread your patronage and support local business.
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