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Karri G.
Scottsdale, AZ
Five-star rating

I am a total sucker for quaint bungalow-style homes. (I used to own one, a Sears Bungalow, 1920.) So, this adorable bar/lounge had me as soon as I walked onto the wraparound porch and into the front door. I could smell the character. This is a wonderful venue for a date, or, in my case, for a small group of friends to gather. It has ambiance and then some!

You know that friend of yours who has the great cocktail parties? That is what it feels like here when the bartender asks for your order. No positioning to get to him, no yelling your order to him. He’s right there… all for you.

Wow. I am getting nostalgic here, so let me close with these couple of important details: 1) The wine selection was small but the wines were good, and 2) the cheese/cracker/olive food pairings were quite good.

I left feeling that I had just had a wonderful experience. Interestingly, there is a bar/lounge in Raleigh, NC, that I still remember fondly, years later, because it gave me that same feeling.

Bar Bianco

is located at 609 E. Adams St. in Heritage Square (light rail at 3rd Street and Washington/Jefferson stations) — 602.528.3699
[iframe_loader src=”http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=bar+bianco&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.984987,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=bar+bianco&hnear=&ll=33.463239,-112.061749&spn=0.050122,0.072956&z=13&iwloc=A&output=embed” height=”240″]

The DPJ Yelper of the Week offers honest insight on a Downtown business to help you explore your core. DPJ hopes that by partnering with Yelp to spread the good word about well-loved Downtown spots, you’ll spread your patronage and support local business.

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