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Evan B.
Tempe, AZ
Four-star rating

For just $2, it is not a bad place to check out. Row after row of glass cases full of amazing minerals, rocks and metals. There are some other displays where rocks have been laid out to look like food on plates.

There was a special side exhibit that had nothing to do with rocks — it was part of a collection of recent Arizona history. It looked more like a gift shop from Old Town with all of the random Southwest trinkets.

I really enjoyed the two UV rock cases. It is a bit hidden, so make sure you look for it. Upstairs are dioramas of mining towns and how mining operations work. I wanted to play with the trucks as if I were a child again. There are even free rocks you can take with you at one section.

The gift shop has a good amount of interesting items, too. Outside is old mining equipment great for photo ops. Good for about an hour of fun!

The Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum

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is located at 1502 W. Washington St. in Capitol Mall — 602.771.1611
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