Don’t worry your pretty, little heads; I’m not turning vegan. That’s not to say the lifestyle is not healthy and respectable, it’s just that I hail from a society where hunting is religion and state birds are merely tonight’s supper. Also, I’m a carnivore through and through. However, Conspire
’s vegan donut is legit.
Conspire rests in the heart of some of the Valley’s most prized galleries — and serves as a living work of art itself. Seemingly a hub for local creatives to hang and explore new ideas or paint them on the outer walls, this lovable coffee shop slings some mean joe and is home to the legendary vegan donut. Make sure you are up early to get one — they go fast!

Behold, the mighty vegan donut!
I managed to drag my sorry butt out of bed before noon for once so that I could partake in a memorable breakfast. Typically, my appetite is voracious if I get up early. This morning was no different. One of the joys of living in the Garfield district — aside from live mariachi music played at 1 a.m. — is being able to lace up my shoes and trot over into Conspire’s backyard.
Still wiping the sleep from my eyes, I wearily ordered a vanilla-iced vegan donut and an iced mocha (don’t judge). My curiosity prolonged my anxious hunger as I took a moment to stroll through the Anarchist Library. It truly is a fun place filled with robots that I want to take home and stacks of books that I desperately need to read.
I take my breakfast down the painted steps and out into the blinding Arizona sun. The first bite gives my taste buds an unexpected shock of sweetness and flavor. My inexperienced palate had not expected the softness and sweetness that it encountered. My vegan virginity was over, and it was glorious. This donut wasn’t glazed, but it sang of sugared hills. The iced mocha was a great counterpart to this scrumptious morning treat, regardless of how unmanly it is.
I cannot stress how important it is to go by Conspire early to get your own supply of donut bliss. These things really do sail off the counters. The only regret I have of my last trip there was that I only got one.
Conspire is located at 901 N. 5th St. in Evans Churchill (light rail station at Central/Roosevelt) — 602.237.5446