Tag: public art

Wire | ‘Ground Cover’ Coming December 6

December 4, 2013 | By

The work of 300 “blanketeers” will be installed and dedicated this weekend.

Giving a Crap About Where You Are

January 29, 2013 | By

Why so many artworks are being made about place.

Putting the Public in Public Art

December 6, 2012 | By

Hugo Medina spearheads an ambitious public art project that invites the public the make their mark alongside a diverse array of artists.

Filling a Dangerous Void

December 5, 2012 | By

Public art sometimes fills the spaces we don’t want to think about.

The Man Behind the Mural: Roy Sproule and the Valley Youth Theater Mural

December 4, 2009 | By

Amidst the new construction, public art projects and restaurant openings throughout Downtown Phoenix, one local artist made a big impact with little more than a brush, some paint and a desire to create.

Civic Park Art Project Delayed Again

March 21, 2009 | By

Downtown Phoenix’s looming blue public art piece ran into another delay Thursday, adding further unintended import to the sculpture’s title, Her Secret Is Patience. online pharmacy wellbutrin no prescription Construction crews spent the first half of Thursday attaching what would have been the final installment of the already delayed Civic Park art installation. After consulting… Read more