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Maya’s Farm CSA: Support a Local Farmer and Eat Healthier Too!
Maya’s Farm is now accepting applications for membership for its Fall 2013 Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) season. The 12-week season runs from September 20 – December 11 and includes 12 weekly baskets of produce.
Each CSA member has a choice of four (4) pick-up days and eight (8) locations to make eating healthy and local even easier.
By joining the Community-Supported Agriculture Program you will join a loosely organized community of health and environmentally conscious people who share the bounties and risks of Maya’s Farm, a local, independent farm. As a CSA member you will purchase a share in the farm’s future harvests. Your participation supports its viability and capacity for quality production up front: It allows the farm to purchase seeds, then plant, nurture and harvest the crops we offer to you.

Visit Maya Daily’s booth at the Phoenix Public Market, or join the CSA for easy pick-up of farm fresh produce at a convenient location near you.
The cost is $300 for a 12-week season. Members receive a weekly food basket for three months from the date of their first pick-up. Shares include a selection brimming over with fresh, in-season, certified organic vegetables, herbs, flowers, all cut by hand, and eggs. Food baskets vary according to which crops are ready for harvest during a given week.
By becoming a member you will:
- Support a local farmer: Unlike buying from a grocery store, the CSA is a great way to give money directly to the farmer that grows your fruits and vegetables.
- Get the freshest possible seasonal eats: Since all of the produce you get from Maya’s CSA is locally-grown, everything in your weekly share will be grown within a stone’s throw of your home or work. That means it’s picked when ripe, and not frozen and trucked across country before getting to you. Also, as the weather changes, crops will change too – you’ll get items like lettuce and greens in the spring, tomatoes and peppers in the summer, squash in the fall and root veggies in winter – when they’re perfectly ripe!
- Try new, healthier foods: Maya’s CSA offers Certified Organic foods, free of pesticides and grown in a manner that is good for the environment. Plus, you will get a chance to try new and different crops and bring your eating habits closer to the season.
- Get outside: You are invited to visit Maya’s Farm and get up close and personal with the fruit and veggies you eat!
Joining the CSA is easy! To get an application on-line visit www.mayasfarm.com; or visit Maya’s booth on Saturday mornings at the Phoenix Public Market, Central and McKinley; or pick up a form at one of the sites listed below.
WHEN: The 12-week season runs from September 20 – December 11 and includes 12 weekly baskets of produce.
WHERE: Choose from these Convenient Pickup Times and Locations:
- Tuesdays 3-5pm, Hillside Spot, 4740 E Warner, Phoenix AZ 85044 – 9/24-12/10
- Wednesdays 4-7pm, Urban Beans/Tertio, 7th Street and Osborn, Phoenix AZ 85006 – 9/25-12/11
- Wednesdays 4-6pm, Phoenix Public Market, Central & McKinley, Phoenix AZ 85004 – 9/25-12/11
- Fridays 2-4pm, The Café at MIM, 4725 E Mayo Blvd, Phoenix AZ 85050 – 9/20-12/6
- Fridays 4-6pm, The Herb Box, 7134 E. Stetson Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85251 – 9/20-12/6
- Saturdays 8-10am, Maya’s Farm , 6106 S 32nd Street, Phoenix AZ 85042 – 9/21-12/7
- Saturdays 12Pm-2pm, Tarbell’s Restaurant, 3213 E Camelback, Phoenix AZ 85018 – 9/21-12/7
- Saturdays 9-11am, Urban Yoga, 3225 N Central Ave, Phoenix AZ 85012 – 9/21-12/7
About the Farm: Maya’s Farm is a small, sustainable operation which produces high-quality specialty vegetables, herbs, flowers and eggs for local markets, restaurants and schools. It is situated on nearly seven acres and nestles up to South Mountain Park in Phoenix, AZ. The site is in an ancient river bed, where sandy soils and natural Artesian wells create a perfect growing environment. Consciously augmented through biodynamic techniques and Certified Organic and Bee Friendly practices, this rich earth produces some of the healthiest produce available.
For more information, please contact Maya at vayaconmaya@cox.net or visit www.mayasfarm.com
Photos courtesy of Maya’s Farm.