Take a peek inside locals’ shopping bags and learn how they use health and beauty products in everyday life.

Name: Madelyn Romero

Age: 20

Occupation: Student (sustainability major)

Where spotted: Phoenix Public Market

What she purchased:

• Bouquet of flowers

• Variety of vegetables from Maya’s Farm: onions, braising mix of greens, broccoli, chard, cucumbers, spigarello



Her must-haves: The flowers are so pretty, I had to get some to decorate the kitchen. I also love the Armenian cucumbers. They’re great on salads, but I can just eat them plain, too.

Her new find:  One of the new items I purchased is called spigarello. I hear you prepare it a lot like kale, so I’ll probably just cook it with coconut oil and salt for a healthy snack. But I decided to try it out because they ran out of kale in the first half hour.




How she benefits: Basically all of my items are just healthy in themselves. From a sustainability standpoint, they are all local foods, which greatly reduces the food miles and environmental impact. Everything is also pesticide-free and herbicide-free, which is great for health reasons because those chemicals can potentially be harmful to ingest.

Why they fit her style:  I think my purchases really show the fact that I’m in sustainability school. I buy from Maya because she grows her own food, and I hope to do the same someday in the future. Buying local benefits both the environment and our health at the same time.