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Downtown Voices Coalition, a stakeholder group of downtown Phoenix individuals, announced its new group of officers and policy initiatives today. Taking over as the DVC Chair is Tim Eigo and Dr. Louisa Stark is DVC’s new Treasurer. The two join Tim Sprague and Edward Jensen, who were re-elected as Vice Chair and Secretary, respectively.

The group also announced that it is taking a proactive approach to issues that face the revitalization of downtown Phoenix, including looking at downtown’s demographic shift and the number of young adults, aged 25-30, who appear to be leaving Phoenix for other cities. DVC is also redoubling its focus on its Priority Issues that it has had since its 2004 inception: historic preservation, arts and culture, public spaces, transportation, local business, smart planning, and inclusive development.

“Since 2004, Downtown Voices Coalition has been at the forefront of fostering transparent government and responsible development in Phoenix,” said Eigo. “In 2012 and beyond, we expect to advance those goals and our commitment to priority issues, such as preservation, arts and culture, economic development and more. DVC’s past leadership, including the recent board led by chair Susan Copeland, has won incredible successes for Phoenix residents and neighborhoods. We look forward to building on those achievements as we face new challenges.”

In addition to their service for DVC, the current officers serve on many different boards representing downtown activities and organizations. Chair Eigo is the editor of Arizona Attorney Magazine and a former board president of the F.Q. Story Neighborhood Association and the Capitol Weed & Seed Coalition. Vice Chair Sprague is a founding partner of Habitat Metro LLC, whose recent portfolio includes many downtown Phoenix projects, including Oasis on Grand, Portland Place Condominiums, and the Lexington Hotel. Treasurer Stark is the Executive Director of The Community Housing Partnership, a member of the Phoenix Elementary School District’s Governing Board, and has taught anthropology at Arizona State University and the University of Wisconsin Madison. Secretary Jensen is the Instructional Technology Coordinator at Arizona School for the Arts and the owner of Downtown Technology Company, an IT services provider for businesses and individuals throughout Phoenix.

Downtown Voices Coalition is a coalition of stakeholder individuals and organizations that embrace growth in downtown Phoenix, but is mindful that healthy growth should be based upon existing downtown resources — the vibrancy of neighborhoods, the strength of the arts community, the uniqueness of historic properties, and the wonderful small businesses that dot downtown. For more information, visit

[Ed Note: The public is invited to attend DVC meetings, which take place on the second Saturday of the month. The next meeting is Saturday, August 11, following a brief summer break in July.]