The warm spring air seems to be brightening up everyone’s mood. Could it be the shopping deals on tap this month?
Take advantage of these deals through the local events and fabulous sales.
DISTRICT: Evans Churchill
Bunky Boutique
(1st Street South of McDowell Road)
Just picked up Goody Twos Toffee. Mid-March will be running a contest for five lucky customers to win a package of toffee every month for six months.
Nostra Style House
(6th Street South of Roosevelt Street)
– 20% off storewide [excluding vintage] on March 17 and 18 during Art Detour
DISTRICT: Downtown
Urban Outfitters
(West side of CityScape)
– New spring products will be arriving in the beginning of March.
Republic of Couture
(East side of CityScape)
– Everything in store will range from $10-50 for the month of March.
West of SOHO
(West side of CityScape)
– Recently began carrying men’s apparel and accessories.
– $10 sandal sale for the month of March.
New York & Co.
(Arizona Center)
– Wear-to-Work promotion in March.
– 50% off storewide on March 23.
Culture Fresh Boutique
(Arizona Center)
– 15% off every Thursday and Friday.
– Spring Release Party in store on March 23rd .
– 10% off all the time with valid school i.d.
– 15% off all the time with valid military i.d.
Frances Vintage
(Camelback Road west of Central Avenue)
– Frances Studios, located a store over from Frances Vintage, will be having their Grand Opening on Friday, March 2nd. This store will carry home goods and kitchenware.
– 3rd Annual Caramelpalooza on Friday, March 2nd.
DISTRICT: Historic Roosevelt
(Central Avenue south of Roosevelt Street)
– Saturday, March 3rd: Dapper + Dash Grand Kick-Off Affair from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
– All winter and fall merchandise reduced through the end of March.
Vintage by Misty
(Central Avenue south of Roosevelt Street)
– Launching men’s apparel and accessories on March 10th.
– Participating in the MIM Fashion Show on March 1st.
– 20% off for any ASU student with a valid i.d.
DISTRICT: Melrose/7th Avenue
Antique Sugar
(7th Avenue south of Indian School Road)
– Every 3rd Thursday everything storewide is 20% off.
– All merchandise marked 20% off on Saturday during the m7 Street Fair.
Sirens and Saints
(7th Avenue north of Indian School)
– Merchandise markdowns to $5, $10 and $15 on Saturday during the m7 Street Fair.
Blueberry Deluxe
(7th Avenue south of Camelback Road)
– Spring Cleaning Clearance all of March: All long sleeved shirts and dresses are 50% off.
DISTRICT: North Central
Poor Little Rich Girl
(Bethany Home Road west of 16th Street)
– Proof of donations of any amount to Arizona Small Dog Rescue gives shoppers a percentage off storewide for the month of March.
– 15% off any purchase before noon every weekday.
Did you know of other sales happening in the area this month? Do tell! Share in the comments below.
Homepage photo credit: Jason Garcia