Sometimes a certain turn of phrase will crystallize a concept.
At last month’s RadiatePHX event, a certain friend, and DPJ landlord, mentioned the “magic of conversation.” While Radiate certainly encourages that kind of magic (and yes, a magician happens to be a regular attendee), we are about to create a space on Twitter to keep that magic alive online.
Tonight is the inaugural Downtown Phoenix Tweetchat (#dtphxchat) co-presented by Downtown Voices Coalition and Downtown Phoenix Journal.
The online conversation will run from 7 to 8 p.m. and cover three topics. Each of the three chats will feature a different topic chosen by one of the three moderators.
Tweetchat and Hashtags…huh?
Yep, it’s a chat on Twitter. Through the use of hashtags
, Twitter followers can participate in a conversation on any given subject.
Here are a few tips from Eddie Jensen, steering committee member of Downtown Voices Coalition and organizer of the Downtown Phoenix Tweetchat.
1. The best way to take part in the conversation is through TweetChat. The #dtphxchat room is here. To participate, you’ll need to sign in with Twitter, which means you’ll need a Twitter account. The tweets will refresh about every 10-12 seconds. There are options to reply to a tweet, to retweet a tweet, to add a tweet to one’s favorite tweets, and to see a Twitter user’s profile.
2. The chat will start at 7 p.m. and end at 8 p.m. The transcript of the conversation will reflect this one hour time period, but participants can feel free to begin before and continue after that allotted time. The transcript will be posted on the Downtown Voices Coalition website.
3. We will assume that if you are tweeting from an organizational or institutional account that the views represented are yours and not that of your organization.