has taken to debuting new art shows on Third Fridays, and the atmosphere is nothing short of perfect. We all know Third Fridays are the chill counterpart to their bustling sibling two weeks prior, but Modified has become an unofficial hub of Third Friday activity during the past several months. Bright, open and inviting for conversation and contemplation, this rethought space is perfect for an artist’s reception.

"Death's Head Moth" by Corkey Sinks
Tonight is the debut of Chicago-based artist Corkey Sinks’ “Check the Children,” a collection that “explores modern incarnations of mythology, folklore, fairy tales, superstition, and urban legend in horror film and teen culture.”
What makes Sinks particularly interesting, besides the name, is the vast use of mixed media: sketches, installation, sculpture, GIF animation and video. The result is an atmospheric show that engages the senses. Needless to say, the art provides a bit of spook and scare, but the tactic is meant to be a catalyst for further thought and discussion.
The artist’s reception runs tonight from 6-9 p.m., and the show will run through mid-May (gallery is open Fridays and Saturdays and by appointment).
Modified Arts is located at 407 E. Roosevelt St. in Evans Churchill (light rail station at Central/Roosevelt) — 602.462.5516