On Thursday, December 17, the Phoenix Community Alliance

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(PCA) held its annual membership meeting at the recently renovated Phoenix Country Club. The PCA is a private sector, not-for-profit organization launched in 1983 by local business leaders to create a dynamic Downtown Phoenix. This year, it has 145 corporate members and 70 adjunct members representing a variety of stakeholder organizations.

The PCA advocates for solutions to the critical needs of Central Phoenix and provides technical assistance and support to parties interested in developing in and around Downtown Phoenix. It is involved in several projects, including supporting the Downtown Phoenix Urban Form Project, incubating the Discovery Triangle Corporation and championing the emerging health and bioscience sector. The PCA also helps businesses of all sizes interested in locating in Central Phoenix.

The guest speaker at the luncheon was Jeff Moriarty. Among his many other hats, Moriarty is the President of the Phoenix Innovation Foundation (PIF). The PIF’s mission is to educate and promote the Phoenix metro community through community-based art, science and technology events. It sponsors free, public and community-run events — those whose missions parallel its own — through the donation of logistical and legal support, as well as with some charitable funds.

Jeff Moriarty

Jeff Moriarty

During his comments, Moriarty focused on what community means to him and the implications for Phoenix. He discussed his experiences with Ignite Phoenix, and ImprovAZ and his passion for uncovering Phoenix’s “unique personality.” Moriarty also talked about how social media can get around both the “Dilbertarian controls” of traditional corporations and the sprawling geography of Phoenix. Another thread of his discussion was connecting people in unexpected ways to increase community and innovation throughout the Valley. His presentation before the mainly corporate crowd, many of whom had little exposure to social media, was a great example of creating these unconventional connections.

The Phoenix Community Alliance offices are in the historic Security Building at 234 N. Central Ave. in Copper Square. The alliance can be reached at 602.254.7477 or through President Don Keuth. Jeff Moriarty can be found on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. He blogs here, here and sometimes here.

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