Source: City of Phoenix

A free Historic Homeowners’ Expo will be offered from 9am to 1pm Saturday, June 20, at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix, 122 N. 2nd St. as part of the statewide Historic Preservation Partnership Conference in Phoenix from June 18 to 20.

The expo will offer educational workshops of interest to owners of designated historic homes such as improving energy efficiency, researching a historic home, grants and tax incentives, and how to hire a contractor.

A special demonstration will be given by Continental Steel Windows of Tucson on how to repair steel casement windows. More than a dozen vendors who provide services to historic homeowners, including craftsmen, contractors, realtors, architects and window providers, will participate in a vendor’s fair. Attendees will be eligible for raffles and prizes and refreshments will be provided.

For more information and to register, visit or call 602-261-8699.