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The city of Phoenix Street Transportation Department is seeking input from residents, commuters and business owners to help improve traffic circulation and mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists on Third Street.
The roadway modifications contained in the conceptual plan for Third Street, between Indian School Road and Roosevelt Street, include reducing the number of travel lanes, adding bicycle lanes on both sides of the street, landscape enhancements, street lighting upgrades, sidewalk and ADA improvements, and improved street crossings for pedestrians.
This initiative resulted from the Third Street Promenade Study, Reinvent Phoenix Mid-Town transit district planning, community feedback and the Downtown Phoenix Comprehensive Transportation Study (DPCTS). The DPCTS was undertaken to identify and evaluate potential roadway, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and parking improvements associated with Phoenix’s downtown street and transportation system. The recommendations from the DPCTS resulted from studying a variety of transportation-related elements in the city’s core, interviews with stakeholders, and meetings with community focus groups.
People interested in providing feedback on the planned changes for Third Street may submit comments online by visiting this link
or attending the public open houses listed below.
Thursday, Jan. 28
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Cutler-Plotkin Jewish Heritage Center, 122 E. Culver St.
Tuesday, Feb. 2
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Steele Indian School Park – Memorial Hall, 300 E. Indian School Rd.
The same information will be presented at both meetings and will be made available online following the meetings.
City staff will be available at these meetings to answer questions and solicit comments on the proposed changes. Using feedback from these meetings and the comments received online, the city will develop engineering design plans and continue to solicit public input to finalize the design modifications for Third Street.
For more information about this project, please visit this link or contact Mark Melnychenko at 602-534-0592 or mark.melnychenko@phoenix.gov.