DPJ’s Bike Chic series by Nathan Simpson. You may see him around town scouting locals who not only ride their bikes but look dapper doing it.

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Name: Allie Conrad

Occupation: Barista at Jobot Coffee/ASU Journalism Student

Her neighborhood: Tempe (but she works and plays in Downtown Phoenix)

What’s your favorite thing about Downtown Phoenix? The culture. I’m from a smaller town in southern California and I didn’t expect it…but there is so much culture here, especially Native American and Latin.

What are your favorite places downtown? Even though I work there, I hang out at Jobot a lot. I really love Lawn Gnome; I go to a lot of the events there. I also go to Carly’s a lot because it’s open late.

What’s would you consider your style? Is thrifty a style? I’d say it changes up from day to day, but it ranges from indie to vintage with a lot of bohemian looks.

What are your favorite places to shop for fashion? I actually shop at Ross and T.J. Maxx a lot but also thrift stores. The boutique shops on 6th Street (GROWop, Cellar Door) are also some of my favorites.

Biking fashion tips? When I wear a short skirt, I wear bike shorts under it. When I wear a long skirt, I’ll tie it in a knot to keep it from getting stuck in the chain.

Biking Essentials: The bike is Skinny Benny, which I’d never heard of before but it has this kind of gangsta dollar sign on it that I’d like to cover. I’ve only had it about a month, but I’m going to add a water bottle holder and a lock mount. I also want to add drop bars because I got pretty addicted to them from my last bike.

What she’s wearing: I got the dress from Marshall’s. The boots, I think came from Khol’s. I got the bag at Buffalo Exchange. I love fringes. I got my rings from swap meets and street shows. Turquoise jewelry is my thing.