DPJ’s Bike Chic series by Nathan Simpson. You may see him around town scouting locals who not only ride their bikes but look dapper doing it.
Name: Morgan McNally
Profession: Baker at Paradise Bakery/ painter/ mistake-maker
Her neighborhood: Garfield
Favorite thing about DT Phoenix:
Is it dumb to say the American Way Market
, because they have red cream soda? Because that’s kind of my favorite. I don’t care if it’s dumb, that’s my answer.
How do you get involved in the community?
I used to be more involved than I am now. Babies, while cute, are incredible time-takers. I organize events here and there (like the Arrested Development screening at Welcome Diner), and recently took on some of the zine publishing for Lawn Gnome Publishing. I have a few art shows coming up, including tinygallery.
What is tinygallery.?
tinygallery. is a series of wall-hanging microgalleries that will be in different venues around the city. As of now, there’s just one, which will be debuting its first show by Kristen Elfering at Welcome Diner in the coming weeks. It’s a means to create a more impactful environment for tiny pieces of art. Having had a childhood love affair with the Thorne miniature rooms at the Phoenix Art Museum, I wanted to have a place where people would be able to appreciate the precious nature of very small works of art.
Why are you car free?
I sold my car when I moved downtown, and I don’t really regret it. Downtown Phoenix has a walkability that’s getting better all the time. It makes being carless pretty easy. The only real inconvenience is grocery shopping, which is more of a post-baby issue than a trike issue. Honestly, living downtown, having a car seems like more of a hassle than not having a car.
Her ride:
When I was pregnant, I had my trike stolen while I was at work. Brandon (Huigens) needed a new bike too, so we went to see Derrick at Hood Ride. He had two matching red Columbia trikes from the early ’70s (if I remember correctly), so we bought them as a matching set. Not being used to riding three wheels, Brandon traded his in for a late ’50s Schwinn. I think even if I knew how to ride a regular bike, I’d still ride trike because of the basket. I can hold so much stuff! It also makes transporting art much, much easier.
Bike Trike essentials:
A GOOD SEAT. Seriously. I had this really awesome gel seat that was super comfortable…until it got hot outside. The gel seeped out of the seat in the heat and left black goo on every pair of jeans I owned at the time. My boyfriend (Huigens) bought me some bike streamers from MADE for Christmas, and genuinely and truly, they make my trike way more fun to ride. Highly recommended.
Biking Triking style:
I’m a fashion mutt. I like things that are sleek and laid back and frilly and trendy and vintage and handmade and old lady and fun and nerdy. I like bright colors. I’ve been really into vintage floral housedresses lately. I also really like dressing monochromatically. I wear a lot of stripes, polka dots, and argyle, and I usually wear short dresses over pants or tights. I love ridiculously impractical shoes and wearing tutus. You will never see me in shorts. You’re welcome for that.
Where do you like to shop for your clothes?
I don’t really shop. I mean, I guess I do, but I never go out with the intention of buying anything. I just kind of leave for the day and come home with clothes. In terms of actual shops though, I love Cellar Door Vintage, Grow, and all of the very pretty jewelry at MADE. Also, I recently discovered how excellent Ebay is for shopping without leaving the house (because I live in 1998, apparently).
Tips for riding chicly?
If you’re planning to wear a maxi skirt, tuck it under your butt, because getting stuck in your own gears is pretty much the biggest nerd move ever. I mean, I’ve never done it or anything, I’m just saying. OK, I’ve totally done it… More than once.
What she’s wearing:
- Purple rhinestone hat: Target
- Book bow: I made it! Sold at Lawn Gnome Publishing.
- Necklace: MADE, with charms from a “Guns and Stuff” 25 cent machine added.
- Bangles: Goodwill
- Purple knit dress: Simply Posh.
- Pink leaf belt: vintage from Butter Toast (RIP)
- Grey tight leggings: Walgreens, maybe?
- Red ballet flats: K MOMO
- Carpet bag: vintage, a gift from Shawna Franks (of Space 55)