The following is an invitation from Kelly Larabee Morlan, who is spearheading the Encanto Park celebration on behalf of City of Phoenix, Enchanted Island, Friends of Encanto Park.
Dear Friends,
Next Saturday, November 27, Phoenix will mark Encanto Park’s 75th year with a Diamond Jubilee celebration for the entire community. As a result of the Friends of Encanto Park’s efforts and collaborations, Encanto Park will begin its next season more nurtured, graceful and enchanting than ever before. We will be celebrating the past while looking to a vibrant future.
Friends of Encanto Park would like to invite you to join us at 11:00 A.M. on Saturday at the site of the Encanto Entrada for a dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony. The Encanto Entrada portal was built as a symbol of hope, presenting a symmetric vision for making a better place. I hope you can be there to help dedicate our gift. Immediately following will be the New Red Bridge dedication and ribbon cutting in the main park.
At approximately 11:45 A.M. Vice Mayor Nowakowski and other dignitaries will speak about Encanto Park and then join the Phoenix Children’s Chorus to sing Happy Birthday and bring out the cake. The Diamond Jubilee will be a day at the Park unlike any before.
Please participate and invite all your friends, family and neighbors. Full details can be found here.
There will be a Cocktail Reception at Encanto Clubhouse from 4:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
We want to help celebrate progress and plant new seeds. Please let us know if you can join us. Tickets are available for $50.00 in advance or $75.00 at the door. There will be great seats for the Big Fireworks Show at 7:00 P.M. Please see details at
I hope you will join in our Diamond Jubilee celebrations and help us encourage visitors to take a fresh look at our original city park. We still have the Master Planning process, $5 million dollar improvement fund, and Garden of Dreams ahead. I think you will be delighted to see Encanto Park shine enchantingly and grow better every day.
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!
Kelly Larabee Morlan