
Some time ago, Radiate Phoenix held its monthly gathering at Local Breeze. The theme, sure to bring out a big crowd, was “What’s wrong with downtown Phoenix?” Grievances were aired vociferously and audience members offered their reactions and ideas thereafter.

You’ve probably discussed the problems raised before (and after) this particular event with friends, family and associates. Improvements have been made on some. Others continue to languish. People itch to see progress.

A good friend of Downtown Phoenix Journal, Jim McPherson, took the time to summarize two things and, using a wiki-based format suggested by ASU student (now graduate) Edward Jensen, we’d like to share them with you:

In Take Action/City Contacts, you’ll find a host of neighborhood-community-downtown issues of which residents have expressed concern, along with the “right” city department and/or non-profit group involved in maintaining or improving the matter in question.

In Engage, there’s listed over 100 “fine grain” projects, initiatives, events and activities organized by individuals and groups that care deeply and work hard to promote and enhance their community. The list has been updated as of August 13, 2011.

Also, we created a third page that links our Community Partners, each of whom work on projects each and every day to improve our Greater Downtown Phoenix.

Take a look at these pages, review the information, click on links of interest to you, and TAKE ACTION or ENGAGE! If you have questions, comments, ideas or new/updated information, please share with us.

Catrina Kahler