Tag: Arizona’s Urban Heart

Note From David Roderique

March 22, 2009 | By

Recently, there has been some conversation about where the funds came from that paid for a branding project resulting in the motto, “Arizona’s Urban Heart.”

David Roderique, CEO of the Downtown Phoenix Partnership, responded to these questions in a letter to the Arizona Republic on Saturday.

Montini: Phoenix Deserves Better

March 6, 2009 | By

Ed Montini muses on why he believes Phoenix deserves better than Brand “X.”

Is Downtown Phoenix going through an identity crisis – or just growing up? We here at The Journal would love to hear your thoughts.

Downtown Phoenix: “Arizona’s Urban Heart”

March 2, 2009 | By

Following the lead of other major cities, Phoenix is looking to establish its own brand, the same promotional strategy that can launch a successful coffee chain or compact car. Las Vegas is known as an adult playground. Austin is known as a live-music destination. Phoenix hopes to similarly set itself apart.