In February 2005, Community Food Connections, a 501c3 nonprofit led by executive director Cindy Gentry, launched the Phoenix Public Market as a once-a-week outdoor Saturday market in Downtown Phoenix. In its fourth year, the local shopping experience expanded to an indoor space in an effort to serve the community on a more consistent (almost daily) basis.

This week marks the two-year anniversary of that indoor endeavor and Cindy invites you to help celebrate this milestone.

Dear Downtown Phoenix Community,

For the past 2 years, Urban Grocery & Wine Bar has served as your local grocery store in Downtown Phoenix. And we want to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary with you!

Join us for a special evening on November 2, 2011 (coinciding with the Wednesday Open Air Market) that will feature the unveiling of the new mural on the west side of the Urban Grocery store by our Community Mural Contest winner, Joseph “Sentrock” Perez!

From 4 to 8 p.m., we’ll have birthday cupcakes made by Tracy Dempsey Originals, $3 food truck specials (including birthday themed ice cream from Sweet Republic), and a special “Wines & Weiners” pairing provided by Sand Reckoner Vineyards

and Short Leash Hot Dogs. There will also be live music by Dan Sell and a Sonoran Brewing Beer Tasting.

It would mean a lot to us if you could join us to celebrate this special event, because the Phoenix Public Market and its Urban Grocery & Wine Bar would not be what it is today without you.

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Cindy Gentry
Executive Director, Community Food Connections

P.S. McKinley Street is open! You can now enter the Market parking lot from either 1st Street or Central Avenue.

If you go

What: Urban Grocery & Wine Bar’s 2nd Anniversary

When: Wednesday, November 2, from 4 to 8 p.m.

Where: 14 East Pierce St. (map)